
ratiohead (An alias of one9ki) is a well known shitpost artist known for her smash hit EPs and songs like "the ear fetish song", "mother figure, there is defecation in my pants", "larsht ringtone", "the official poop song of 2022", and many more.

Have a listen

NOTE: one9ki doesn't actually hate queers and is queer herself

How ratiohead came to be

ratiohead came to be after the release of "radiohead 2!!!" by radiohead 3 on the Capsmusic label, the cover art for ratiohead's 1st ep was inspired by this release, The name ratiohead came from an inside joke by one9ki and her friends, she later realized it was a phrase said by famous music critc "Anthony Fantano" while the production of ratiohead's first ep.

ratiohead is now wellknown and loved by many shitpost music fans.